2023 Reflection

7:24 AM,


    I can't let the new year continue without reflecting on what the previous year has taught me. Last year was challenging but so necessary for what is ahead. My words or theme last year was "presence" and God took me on this journey where I saw the many facets of the term presence. I wasn't just challenged to be in the presence of God but I was also challenged to BE present. I didn't realize just how much disassociating was affecting me and how often I was doing it. This trauma response caused me to be in a place physically but not really present in the moment. I really had to figure out why it was happening and why I would default to that response in certain settings or situations. I did a lot of root work last year (I'm still doing this) and I have been on this messy but amazing healing journey. 

I watch a lot of youtube and have never heard of book slumps! This is when you lose motivation to finish that To Be Read List so you just do everything else but read. What if there were spiritual slumps?


YAY! I got another feature in an online magazine. It's always a pleasure to share my story with others. I am understanding the power that resides in sharing our stories. You never know how your story can impact someone else. My story is one of risk and Pivots and how those decisions changed the course of my life. click the link below to Read!

What does it mean to micromanage something?

to control every part, however small, of an enterprise or activity.

To try to oversee all the small parts of something such as an activity in a way that is usually not wanted or that causes problems.

Synonyms of micromanage - control, manipulate, supervise, dominate, finesse.

I read somewhere that Micromanagement stifles growth, creativity, and innovation. This form of control makes people feel like they're suffocating. Micromanaging squeezes the life out of people and turns them into robots or puppets. Puppets have no life in them. They are only able to move when the puppeteer moves them and speaks for them.

We are not puppets. God is not a puppeteer. We are willing vessels of God. He chose us and then we chose him back. There is a choice here.

2023 Impressions

1:05 PM, in

Not too long ago after Church, I was alone at home and entirely overwhelmed by the presence of God. I thought about how we sometimes settle for just experiencing God at a Church service. How we sometimes do not desire to seek God further. It almost felt as though God was asking "Am I worth it to you, am I worth the search?" How far will we go in God until we decide it's not worth the effort?

This year is winding down and we are about to enter the new year. What better way to wind down 2022 than to reflect on lessons learned from this year. This year has been a decent year for me. There were many different shifts and changes but in its totality 2022 was a good year. It flew by so fast and I made amazing memories with some fantastic people. God has been so faithful in a plethora of ways and if I listed them all we would be here forever. We will just settle with the 8 valuable lessons learned.


6:45 AM,


    There is this awesome movement that is brewing called Living Unfiltered. This ministry started from a social media challenge that happens every December. The idea is to challenge women to take off the filters we use on our pictures. At the same time, we were pushed to also consider any filters we may have put on other areas of our lives. It has blessed so many women so much so that God instructed the woman behind it Queen G, to plan a retreat. I thank God for her YES. Her YES gave the women a space to heal and draw near to the heart of God. It was incredible. I will never forget these moments.