God's Peace over Worry

in , by Beautifies The Meek, 9:51 AM

In my devotion time, I was encouraged by some scriptures that I want to dive into! Lately, God has been reconnecting me to his word. Sometimes it gets hard to read and study the word daily. No lie it gets tough to be consistent but once I realized that God is not looking for perfection but dedication and connection I have been focusing on that more.

Today's devotion focused on the peace of God. Philippians 4:6-7,19 really blessed me and had the wheels in my mind turning.

Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. And God’s peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Phil 4:6-7 AMPC

I have read this scripture before and I have never really looked deeply into it. Simply because not worrying about anything is pretty difficult. Life can come at us so fast and sometimes worry is the first thing we take on. I looked up how worry affects the body and I can see why God asks us in this scripture not to worry ourselves.

Worry affects The body in several ways.

1. Worrying too much affects your nervous system by releasing stress hormones.

2. Muscles can get tense and cause discomfort.

3. Breathing can be affected by worrying too much. Breathing more deeply and more often can happen without you even realizing it.

4. Worrying affects your heart! putting stress on the heart can cause high blood pressure and other heart issues.

5. Stressing out about things can also take a toll on your immune system. Stress makes it harder for your body to fight off any infections.

source: How Worry Affects Your Body

There are many more where that came from but I am sure we understand by now how stress breaks us down. God designed our bodies so he knew just how our bodies would respond to worry. He offers us an opportunity to take everything we are concerned about and give it to him. I know, I can hear it now "I already asked, I already prayed, I am still worried." Later in verse 6, he says to continue to make our requests known to God. We should be persistent when it comes to what we need. I think a cure to worry is worship. Choose to worship instead of worry.

We are not designed to carry worry for long periods of time. Our bodies can't handle it. I love verse 7 because not only does God offer opportunities for us to release worry to him but in exchange, we can be given God's peace. His peace is nothing like our own or what we get from the world. His peace is promised to us. It's a state of tranquility where we are confident of the salvation we have in Christ. This peace removes any fear of what is to come because it causes us to be content with whatever life brings. This type of peace surpasses all understanding and guards our minds from getting lost in anxious thoughts. Guards our hearts from being consumed by worry.

And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. 

Philippians 4:19

We worry because there is a fear that a need or situation won't get resolved. Can we agree that Fear is the root of worry? Maybe? Verse 19 of this chapter reminds us of a PROMISE God has made to us. That he will liberally (no cap, generous, large amounts, etc.) supply every need. Not just for some needs but for every single need, situation, there is always enough supply to go around.  It just doesn't stop there but he will supply according to His riches in Glory in Christ Jesus. That means he is setting the bar extremely high! God will always provide the best for us. It doesn't get any better than that.

Although this is all encouraging, life happens and worrying sometimes happens too. I am learning that a big part of life is about choices, not our feelings. We have to choose to deny worry from consuming our thoughts and hearts. Worry will knock on the door, it might even come in. We have to treat worry like a stranger, it can't stay and take residence. So today as you go about your day remember that you can't carry worry and God's peace in your heart. Choose one. Choose wisely.

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  1. I never read the amplified version of these verses. It makes a difference to think about it in that context. We can continually come to God with our concerns. He not only is willing to hear them, but offer us peace in exchange!

    1. Yes! exactly. We never really leave his presence empty handed. There is always an exchange.
