Christian Ethics: How we Live. Part 2

in , by Beautifies The Meek, 12:14 PM

The word of God illustrates the type of life that Glorifies God. Welcome to Part 2 of breaking down Romans 12:9-21 where we can see practical ways we can live to honor God and bear much fruit. I will say this has me looking at the condition of my heart with these scriptures.

1. Live in Humility. 

The Bible mentions Humility throughout scripture and this reveals how important humility is to God. The Bible speaks of humility in the context of character. Our approach in life should be to put others before ourselves. Of course find the balance but this is more than nice acts. We should possess a kind and meek spirit. The bible says that God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble (1 Peter 5:5). He favors the humble because humble people are willing to submit to Him. Humble people are not always fighting to be right or to be on top because God provides the elevation (James 4:10). The word instructs us to put on humility (Colossians 3:12). It's WHO we are not WHAT we do.

2. Revenge is for the birds.

As a child I used to seek after revenge. It was a way for people to feel the pain they have caused me. the problem with revenge is that it solves nothing. Revenge doesn't change what has happened neither does it completely remove the pain. It does satisfy the flesh for a moment and boy is that moment sweet. But like any moment it doesn't last. God said that revenge is HIS (Romans 12:19). He will take care of any issue better than I ever could. I had to mature into that mindset, it didn't just happen. Living life to seek revenge on others is not a life well lived and it is certainly not a life that glorifies God. Revenge isn't even an option anymore because I am confident that my Father will defend me. Also pro tip: The expectation to love people doesn't go away when you're hurt.

3. Live in peace.

Peace is one manifestation of a Christian life that still intrigues me. My High School mentor had enough peace for all of us. I watched as circumstances tried his patience and not once did he break under pressure. I was shook because I hadn't seen such self control in an adult before. Especially an adult around High School kids. the peaceful life he led began to draw me to asking questions which revealed his source. Jesus. Now here I am today pursuing a peaceful lifestyle. Peace is one of the fruit of the Spirit and it is truly a great testimony to our faith. Who would want to emulate a lifestyle that is full of drama and pettiness? The Bible instructs us to live peaceably with ALL men (Romans 12:18). Not just the people we love or can tolerate but with everyone.

4. love your enemies.

This expectation is by far one of the hardest things God could ask of us. We tend to greatly dislike our enemies and some would use the word hate. They are our "enemies" for a reason right? I don't think that God is asking us to be fake or to ignore the fact that we don't like them. I think he wants us to understand that Love is not based on emotion or experience. It is based on God's truth. He is the source and inventor of love, we love because he FIRST loved us (1 John 4:19). If we never experience God's love, which is the purest form of love ever, how would we know what it takes to love anything? God's love for us gives us the capacity to love those we don't like and those who don't like us. The moment we think about the undying love God has for us even when we were enemies to him, it increases our capacity to love others. How could I not love my brother/sister when God loves me flaws and all? it's not easy but it is necessary.

5. Overcome Evil With Good.

What is the remedy for evil? The goodness of God. When we are tapped in and linked to Jesus we are in direct contact with the goodness of God. His goodness then flows into our lives so that we may share it with others. Evil or the effects of sin will always be with us, but so is his goodness. So, I mention Goodness as His because our definition of good is blurred. It's also conditional if I may be honest. What is good to me may not be good to God. We must understand that His ways are not ours and His thoughts are not like ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). If I see a person getting bullied, in my mind the bully getting a beat down seems good to me. I can't live off of my definitions because they are flawed and so limited. Living a life that demonstrates God's goodness in evil times glorifies God and is a great witness. How do we prove this Gospel works and is still relevant today? By living holy ethical lives fueled by the Holy Spirit.

What I really want all of us to take from these scriptures is that this is a lifestyle. Not a set of rules or things based on works but it ought to be who we are. Our character should be built from the scriptures. It's going to take much more than actions but it's going to take our hearts. This Christian life can hang off of the first two commandments alone.

Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” 

- Matthew 12:30-31

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