Christian Ethics: How we live. Part 1

in , by Beautifies The Meek, 6:24 PM


Romans 12:9-21 is jam-packed with expectations of how a Christian should live. This is the fruit of an abiding, planted, faith-filled believer in Jesus Christ. Reading these scriptures has me wondering if my life looked anything like the pages of my Bible.

1. Love sincerely

Is your love towards others coming from a sincere place or does it feel forced? When we love God first with sincere intention, loving people will feel easier. Sometimes it's not easy to do but when we see people the way God sees them, all we can do and feel is his love for them. This enables us to love them sincerely and intentionally.

2. Hate what is evil, Hold onto what is good.

This is all based on God's definition of what is evil and good. We can't possibly assume this is based on our own interpretations. Sin is evil and anything that denounces the sovereignty of God is evil. Let go of what is evil. God is good. Hold onto Him.

3. Love and Honor one another.

How we treat one another whether they be believers or not, matter to God. We can't hate our brother and sister and say we love God (1 John 4:20). How we treat one another is a direct correlation to who we are connected to. When we love and honor each other this pleases God and it is a viable witness to who God is.

4. Never lose your passion for God.

Why do you assume Paul wrote this to the churches in Rome? No matter the age or generation, there is a possible chance for believers to feel disconnected and lose their passion for God. It's common for people to get tired and weary. Paul admonishes us in this part of scripture to always have a burning passion for serving God. We must protect the flame flickering on the inside of us. It is too valuable to allow disappointment, fear, unforgiveness to snuff the Holy Spirit. One version says for us to GLOW in the spirit. We all want to glow in one way or another, let's pursue the glow of the Holy Spirit.

5. Rejoice in your hope, be steadfast, and always praying.

I have to ask myself, what is the source of my hope? No matter what is before us we can always rejoice. Why? Because Jesus is our hope. He defeated death, hell, and the grave this is the solid victory we can constantly rejoice in! We can be steadfast in trials and hard seasons because the victory belongs to Jesus. We inherit this victory as sons and daughters. Our secret sauce is in our continual posture of prayer. We remember where our help comes from. Prayer is not a plan B it is THE PLAN. The only one we have that guarantees results.

6. Commitment to Hospitality

Serving others and meeting the needs of those around us is hospitality. This pleases God and honors him when we take care of one another. Jesus is the King of hospitality. Not only did he meet the needs of so many people, but he also made sure people left his presence seen and loved. When people leave your presence, do they leave better? I think hospitality is more than just hosting people in your home. It is creating moments where people feel safe and loved by you. You become a safe space for people to come broken then leave with the hope of becoming whole again.

These scriptures are so rich! I had to separate them into parts. I am aware of attention spans these days haha! Mine included. Look out for part 2!

Let's chat below!

Which expectation resonated with you the most?

Reflecting on your life, which expectation do you need to improve on?

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