Twenty - Seven

by Beautifies The Meek, 8:49 PM

shirt-OLD/ Skirt-Belle+Sky/Shoes-Worthington/Belt-Target

Hey Beauties!  I officially turned 27 last Saturday! Lord, I am almost 30! I need to enjoy these 20's because they will not last very long! lol. One thing I am learning is to enjoy every moment and every year. Don't let a moment pass by or go to waste. I am truley taking the time to look around me and enjoy the people God has placed in my life and the doors and opportunities he has opened for me. There is so much that God has in store I have so much work to do and praying to do. Enjoy every stage of your life! 27 = new beginnings and new adventures.
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  1. Gal! WHY you so FINE so?? Eish!! You are radiant and gorgeous and that outfit is errthang and these photos hungry? Yasssss
